ohmic resistance




  1. Reduce Ohmic Contact Resistance to p-GaN Using InGaN/ AlGaN Superlattice
  2. Research on INS/ APS Kalman Filter based on APS Interpolation Data Correction Algorithm for Submarine Estimating ohmic resistance of PEMFC based on double Kalman filters
  3. The Estimation of the State of Charge of Storage Battery Based on the Kalman Filtering Theory for Electric Vehicle Estimating ohmic resistance of PEMFC based on double Kalman filters
  4. When the molar ratio of Ni and Fe was 8 ∶ 2 and 7 ∶ 3, the anodes exhibited the highest electrochemical activity and the lowest ohmic resistance.
  5. A theoretical study on the Joule heating resistance R_J and the Ohmic resistance R_O of Zn-Cu Cells with cylindrical electrodes
  6. The ohmic resistance and the charge transfer resistance of the battery are increased with the increasing of delivered capacity.
  7. Various methods to reduce the heat effect of Ni/ MH battery were summarized, such as decreasing ohmic resistance and charge polarization, increasing O_2 evolving over-potential, reducing O_2 recombination, heat dissipation and charge monitoring.
  8. To study the PEMFC's ohmic internal resistance can predict the membrane's dryness. To control the operating temperature and the cathode humidity can reduce PEMFC's ohmic loss and improve PEMFC's efficiency.
  9. The Research of Low Ohmic Contact Resistance to p-GaN
  10. Study on the Ohmic Contact Resistance of n-type 3C-SiC Grown on Si Substrate
  11. By lots of testing and analyses time after time, Ohmic contact is formed Between Au and ZnO and the related resistance is about 27 Ω.
  12. If the ohmic resistance is medium, the 1.2 V plateau decay is commended by both ohmic and non ohmic polarizations.
  13. Influence of the ohmic contact technologies of a solar cell on its shunt resistance
  14. In this thesis, we study influences of the ohmic resistance and the third-order dispersion on the DNLS soliton with VBC by using the direct perturbation theory.
  15. To do this, By use of the experiments, the optimum technological conditions are obtained. The ohmic contact resistance has been lowered to below 0.06 Ω.
  16. The ohmic base resistance of bipolar transistor introduced in EM_2 Model is a very important parameter.
  17. AC impedance measurements demonstrated that the ohmic resistance of the electrolyte as well as the charge transfer resistance of the electrode/ electrolyte interface increases with ethanol content increasing.
  18. The voltage drop occurring at the beginning of discharging for VRLA batteries is mainly caused by ohmic internal resistance of the batteries.
  19. A Theoretical Study on the Ohmic Resistance R of Zn& Cu Cells with Spherical Electrodes
  20. Howevers, there are significant barriers to intermediate temperature SOFC: electrolyte ohmic resistance and electrode overpotential, especially cathode overpotential.
  21. When SiC devices operate at the high temperature and high power, thermodynamically stable ohmic contacts with low specific contact resistance are important, since parasitic resistances generally limit or even jeopardize device operation.
  22. The mechanism of FeS electrode process has been investigated by using linear cyclic voltammetry. The electrode porcess of FeS is accompanied with the formation and dissolution of insoluble FeS and controlled by ohmic resistance.
  23. Study on Increase in the Ohmic Resistance of a Conducting Plate with a Sharply Changing Width
  24. Therefore, how to obtain ohmic contact on p-GaN with low contact resistance and high transmittance, which has became a hot research topic of researcher.
  25. The back ohmic contact of the aluminum back surface field ( Al-BSF) of crystalline silicon solar cells greatly impacts the output properties of solar cells. And so it is imperative to improve the back ohmic contact property by novel technology in order to reduce the series resistance.
  26. Furthermore, the cyclic reversibility of the electrode reaction improves after doping La and the rare earth La has good effect in inhibiting the oxygen evolution reaction of sample electrode, reducing the electrode reaction of the electrochemical polarization and ohmic resistance, and increasing the discharge voltage.
  27. The back ohmic contact resistance of Al-BSF by DC magnetron sputtering is downtrend with the annealing temperature increasing, and less than that by the screen printing process.
  28. If there is a large contact resistance between the electrode and the semiconductor film, the performance of devices would be significantly decreased due to heat or poor contact. Therefore, ohmic contact with low resistance and thermal stability is very critical.
  29. In order to make the application in the device better, the ohmic contact with low resistance between the electrode and p-type and n-type ZnO films needs to be studied and prepared.



  1. a material's opposition to the flow of electric current

      Synonym:    electric resistanceelectrical resistanceimpedanceresistanceresistivity